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Introductio enzyme


Introductio enzyme

Enzymes a fungis extracti quales sunt Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus Niger et rhizopus rhizopus in variis condicionibus clinicis tractandis tutae et efficaces ostensae sunt.  In quibusdam casibus fungalis enzymes efficaciores esse possunt quam enzymes animales vel aliae curationes in promptu.  Praeparata quaedam fungalis enzyme praecipue apta sunt ad usum clinicum propter inhaerentiam resistentiae gastrici degradationis et facultas hydrolyandi physiologice vel pathologice magni momenti subiecta per latitudinem pH.  
Amet, fungalpraeparationes enzyme are most often taken orally at mealtimes to aid digestion by hydrolyzing dietary substrates such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins.  They are also administered intravenously to treat blocked blood vessels, thrombotic diseases and ischemic diseases.  Controlled studies in humans and animals have shown the efficacy of various fungal enzyme preparations, both oral and non-oral, in a variety of conditions, including the following:  
•  Dyspepsia, malabsorption  
•  Pancreas non eget  
•  Praesentia gastrointestina  
•  steatorrhea  
•  Morbositates gluten - affinis  
•  Lactosum intolerantia  
•  Signa Oligosaccharide effecerunt gastrointestina  
•  Arteriae plusculum  
•  Morbus Ischemicus  
•  Morbus thromboticus  


Pulchra chemica
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